
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
S1 E1: Wireless Communication: "It's addictive, dangerous and I don't trust it"
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Dr Lucy Rogers is joined by comedians Bec Hill and Harriet Braine for the History Makers podcast, where they explore modern technology and the people throughout history who have made it all possible.
In episode one, the trio discusses whether wireless communication is our salvation or damnation. Dr Lucy explains how Wi-Fi works, “robot” Harriet uses her databanks to bring some makers to life and Bec tells us why we should have never moved on from plastic cups and a piece of string.
So set your ears to receive and your mind to blown for History Makers!
Featured Makers: Guglielmo Marconi, Heinrich Hertz, Hedy Lamarr
History Makers is brought to you by DesignSpark, the engineering community of RS Components. DesignSpark provides free software, tools and resources to help turn your ideas into reality. Join free today at www.designspark.com.

Monday Sep 10, 2018
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Former Robot Wars judge Dr Lucy Rogers is joined by award-winning comedians Bec Hill and Harriet Braine for the History Makers podcast, where they explore modern technology and the people throughout history who have made it all possible.
In episode two, the trio discusses whether artificial intelligence is our salvation or damnation. Dr Lucy explains how AI has developed, “robot” Harriet uses her databanks to bring Mary Shelley to life and Bec keeps her eye on the kill switch in case it all goes wrong.
So set your ears to receive and your mind to blown for History Makers!
Featured Maker: Mary Shelley
History Makers is brought to you by DesignSpark, the engineering community of RS Components. DesignSpark provides free software, tools and resources to help turn your ideas into reality. Join free today at www.designspark.com.

Sunday Sep 16, 2018
S1 E3 - Computer Programming: "The first computer bug was a moth"
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Former Robot Wars judge and DesignSpark blogger Dr Lucy Rogers is joined by comedians Bec Hill and Harriet Braine for the History Makers podcast, where they explore modern technology and the people throughout history who have made it all possible.
In episode three, the trio discusses whether computer programming is our salvation or damnation. Dr Lucy explains the origins of programming, “robot” Harriet uses her databanks to bring a maker from history to life and Bec works out whether C++ really is Fortran's evil cousin or just her best ever maths score.
So set your ears to receive and your mind to blown for History Makers!
Featured Maker: Grace Hopper
History Makers is brought to you by DesignSpark, the engineering community of RS Components. DesignSpark provides free software, tools and resources to help turn your ideas into reality. Join free today at www.designspark.com.

Sunday Sep 23, 2018
S1 E4 - Navigation: “GPS would make the Wizard of Oz boring”
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Sunday Sep 23, 2018
Dr Lucy Rogers is joined by comedians Bec Hill and Harriet Braine for the History Makers podcast, where they explore modern technology and the people throughout history who have made it all possible.
In episode four, the trio discusses whether navigation technology is our salvation or damnation. Dr Lucy guides us through the subject of navigation, “robot” Harriet uses her databanks to bring a maker from history to life and Bec locates the nearest exit in case of emergency.
So set your ears to receive and your mind to blown for History Makers!
Featured Maker: John Harrison
History Makers is brought to you by DesignSpark, the engineering community of RS Components. DesignSpark provides free software, tools and resources to help turn your ideas into reality. Join free today at www.designspark.com.

Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Former Robot Wars judge and DesignSpark blogger Dr Lucy Rogers is joined by award winning comedians Bec Hill and Harriet Braine for the History Makers podcast, where they explore modern technology and the people throughout history who have made it all possible.
In episode five, the trio discusses whether 3D manufacturing and printing is our salvation or damnation. Dr Lucy explains the weird world of 3D manufacturing, “robot” Harriet uses her databanks to bring a maker from history to life and Bec desperately clings on to the concept of hope in a world increasingly obsessed by materialistic wealth.
So set your ears to receive and your mind to blown for History Makers!
Featured Maker: Josiah Wedgwood
History Makers is brought to you by DesignSpark, the engineering community of RS Components. DesignSpark provides free software, tools and resources to help turn your ideas into reality. Join free today at www.designspark.com.

Sunday Oct 07, 2018
S1 E6 - Cyber: “I have been using my free anti-virus trial for 10 years”
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Former Robot Wars judge and DesignSpark blogger Dr Lucy Rogers is joined by award winning comedians Bec Hill and Harriet Braine for the History Makers podcast, where they explore modern technology and the people throughout history who have made it all possible.
In episode six, the trio discusses whether cyber is our salvation or damnation. Dr Lucy demystifies all things cyber, “robot” Harriet uses her databanks to bring a maker from history to life and Bec desperately changes all of her passwords to something more complicated than 1234.
So set your ears to receive and your mind to blown for History Makers!
Featured Maker: Ada Lovelace
History Makers is brought to you by DesignSpark, the engineering community of RS Components. DesignSpark provides free software, tools and resources to help turn your ideas into reality. Join free today at www.designspark.com.

Monday May 20, 2019
S2 E1: Did Facebook Try To Sell Me A Bubble House?
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
Dr Lucy, Bec and Harriet are back! The hosts of our 5-star-rated History Makers series return for The DesignSpark Podcast, exploring some of the hottest topics in tech through a mix of fun facts, exuberant stand-up, outlandish sketches and foot-tapping songs.
In episode 1 they're entering the world of Big Data. Listen to Bec's best Brummy accent as the trio discuss spying companies, weird online ads and much more...
It's time for TechLOLogy.

Monday May 27, 2019
S2 E2: Can I Hack Your Heart?
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Dr Lucy, Bec and Harriet are back! The hosts of our 5-star-rated History Makers series return for The DesignSpark Podcast, exploring some of the hottest topics in tech through a mix of fun facts, exuberant stand-up, outlandish sketches and foot-tapping songs.
In episode 2 they're exploring the world of medical technology! Kick back while the trio discuss defribrillators, fitbits and non-bots.
It's time for TechLOLogy.

Monday Jun 03, 2019
S2 E3: Can I Get An Upgrade?
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Dr Lucy, Bec and Harriet are back! The hosts of our 5-star-rated History Makers series return for The DesignSpark Podcast, exploring some of the hottest topics in tech through a mix of fun facts, exuberant stand-up, outlandish sketches and foot-tapping songs.
In episode 3 they're exploring the world of augmented humans! Find out why Bec can't brush her teeth without hearing music from the Black Eyed Peas.
It's time for TechLOLogy.

Monday Jun 10, 2019
S2 E4: How Do I Know You're Not A Robot
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Dr Lucy, Bec and Harriet are back! The hosts of our 5-star-rated History Makers series return for The DesignSpark Podcast, exploring some of the hottest topics in tech through a mix of fun facts, exuberant stand-up, outlandish sketches and foot-tapping songs.
In episode 4 they're exploring the world of robotics.
It's time for TechLOLogy.

Monday Jun 17, 2019
S2 E5: Dude, Where's My Hoverboard?
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Dr Lucy, Bec and Harriet are back! The hosts of our 5-star-rated History Makers series return for The DesignSpark Podcast, exploring some of the hottest topics in tech through a mix of fun facts, exuberant stand-up, outlandish sketches and foot-tapping songs.
In episode 5 they're exploring the future of transport! Where are the hoverboards that we were promised as children?
It's time for TechLOLogy.

Monday Jun 24, 2019
S2 E6: Should We All Live In Space?
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Dr Lucy, Bec and Harriet are back! The hosts of our 5-star-rated History Makers series return for The DesignSpark Podcast, exploring some of the hottest topics in tech through a mix of fun facts, exuberant stand-up, outlandish sketches and foot-tapping songs.
In episode 6 they're exploring space! Let's hope they make it back to earth in one piece.
It's time for TechLOLogy.

Monday Jun 01, 2020
S3 E1: Mastering the Mysteries of Space Tourism
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
It's time for some Tech with a Comedy Twist!
Dr Lucy Rogers, Bec Hill and Harriet Braine are back for Series 3 of The DesignSpark Podcast, the show that uses facts, songs and well-engineered puns to master the mysteries of modern technology.
In this episode, the trio are exploring the world of Space Tourism. It is the area of technology that comprises two of the world's most difficult things; rocket science and customer service.
Join them on their journey, which includes Lucy's Quick Start Guide, Harriet's History of Space Tourism, Bec's Big Idea, a song sung by the Voyager 2 space probe (who is a Geordie apparently) and much more...
Listen Elsewhere:
Apple Podcasts | Bullhorn | Breaker | Castbox | Castro | Luminary |
Google Podcasts | Player FM | Pocket Casts | Podchaser | Podbean | Podknife |
Overcast | Spotify | Stitcher | Android Apps | Subscribe By Email | RSS Feed |

Monday Jun 08, 2020
S3 E1 Expansion Pack: Space Tourism with Mark Thompson
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Mark Thompson is a British astronomer, television presenter and writer best known for being one of the presenting team on the BBC show Stargazing Live and is a regular face on Good Morning Britain.
Following last week's episode on Space Tourism, Mark has been in touch and left a voicemail for Lucy, Bec and Harriet. He's left a question for them to discuss.
Listen Elsewhere:
Apple Podcasts | Bullhorn | Breaker | Castbox | Castro | Luminary |
Google Podcasts | Player FM | Pocket Casts | Podchaser | Podbean | Podknife |
Overcast | Spotify | Stitcher | Android Apps | Subscribe By Email | RSS Feed |

Monday Jun 15, 2020
S3 E2: Mastering the Mysteries of Smart Homes
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
It's time for some Tech with a Comedy Twist!
Dr Lucy Rogers, Bec Hill and Harriet Braine return for another episode of The DesignSpark Podcast, the show that uses facts, songs and well-engineered puns to master the mysteries of modern technology.
This week, the trio are exploring Smart Homes, as they discuss everything from meter readings and smart fridges to Alexa and "Smart Scotsmen" who can save you money on your energy bills!
Join them on their journey, which includes Lucy's Quick Start Guide, Harriet's History of Smart Homes, Bec's Big Idea, a song sung from the point of view of a Smart Appliance within a Smart Home and much more...
Listen Elsewhere:
Apple Podcasts | Bullhorn | Breaker | Castbox | Castro | Luminary |
Google Podcasts | Player FM | Pocket Casts | Podchaser | Podbean | Podknife |
Overcast | Spotify | Stitcher | Android Apps | Subscribe By Email | RSS Feed |

Monday Jun 22, 2020
S3 E2 Expansion Pack: Smart Homes with with Stacey Higginbotham
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
This week's expansion pack is an exclusive interview with IoT and Smart Homes expert Stacey Higginbotham.
Stacey has been covering technology for major publications for 18 years. Her work has appeared in Fortune (where she was Senior Editor), PCMag, MIT Tech Review, Gigaom and Worth magazine.
She publishes a weekly newsletter called Stacey Knows Things and is the host of The Internet of Things Podcast and This Week in Google podcast.
We sent Harriet to find out more...
Listen Elsewhere:
Apple Podcasts | Bullhorn | Breaker | Castbox | Castro | Luminary |
Google Podcasts | Player FM | Pocket Casts | Podchaser | Podbean | Podknife |
Overcast | Spotify | Stitcher | Android Apps | Subscribe By Email | RSS Feed |

Monday Jun 29, 2020
S3 E3: Mastering the Mysteries of Food Technology
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020

Monday Jul 06, 2020
S3 E3 Expansion Pack: Food Technology with Barry Lewis
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
This week YouTuber and food tech expert Barry Lewis has left a voicemail for Bec, Harriet and Lucy to ask them an important question.
Listen to our hosts answers, which include an array of Elvis related egg puns and some great ideas for new inventions.
Find out more about Barry Lewis at https://barrylewis.net/ and watch his awesome videos on YouTube by Clicking Here.
Listen Elsewhere:
Apple Podcasts | Bullhorn | Breaker | Castbox | Castro | Luminary |
Google Podcasts | Player FM | Pocket Casts | Podchaser | Podbean | Podknife |
Overcast | Spotify | Stitcher | Android Apps | Subscribe By Email | RSS Feed |

Monday Jul 13, 2020
S3 E4: Mastering the Mysteries of Climate Engineering
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Lucy, Bec and Harriet are back again, as they use facts, songs and precision-engineered puns to master the mysteries of Climate Engineering.
They discuss warm snow, perfect weather conditions and saving the world!
Listen Elsewhere:
Apple Podcasts | Bullhorn | Breaker | Castbox | Castro | Luminary |
Google Podcasts | Player FM | Pocket Casts | Podchaser | Podbean | Podknife |
Overcast | Spotify | Stitcher | Android Apps | Subscribe By Email | RSS Feed |

Monday Jul 20, 2020
S3 E4 Expansion Pack: Climate Engineering with Alice Bell
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
This week Bec Hill has been to interview climate charity worker and campaigner for a better future, Alice Bell, for our expansion pack.
Alice is a part-time historian of the apocalypse and part-time campaigner for a better future.
She is currently writing a book on the history of the climate crisis: OUR BIGGEST EXPERIMENT, which will be released with Bloomsbury Sigma in Autumn 2021. If you can’t wait that long, she has just written an illustrated non-fiction book on the environmental crisis for Thames and Hudson, CAN WE SAVE THE PLANET?
Her day job is co-running the climate charity, Possible. They build projects which bring people and technologies together to tackle the climate crisis; from tree planting days to connecting railways to community owned solar farms.
You can follow Alice on Twitter at: @alicebell
Listen Elsewhere:
Apple Podcasts | Bullhorn | Breaker | Castbox | Castro | Luminary |
Google Podcasts | Player FM | Pocket Casts | Podchaser | Podbean | Podknife |
Overcast | Spotify | Stitcher | Android Apps | Subscribe By Email | RSS Feed |